SD-WAN breakfast session – an impression
SD-WAN Round Table
TTC organised an interactive discussion session about SD-WAN with attendees from a broad range of companies, going from architecture to management to security profiles, with focus on both global as national network environments.
We would like to highlight the key elements on what these companies are experiencing today in the domain of SD-WAN.
1. SD-WAN solutions offered in the market today
- Fully Managed versus In House Managed:
pro’s and con’s depending the type of company & available resources, meaning there is no solution that fit the needs of all - How do you select your network solution? There are different ways on how a company selects the solution
- First the technolog
- First the service provider/integrator

- Combining overlay & underlay or splitting
- The easy of having one contract
- The complexity of having separate contracts
- Vendor lock in
- Conclusion: in any solution contract content and Contract Lifecycle Management is key
- Hybrid underlay (MPLS and internet) versus full internet solution
- Trends in the market
- Balance between reliability and cost

2. End-user satisfaction vs. APM
- Finger pointing where the issue is
- Complexity of having a lot of tools in order to have a view on the full chain
- What are companies doing (aiming) on customer satisfaction today
- Managing perception
- Same service in the office vs. at home
- Conclusion: focus on interaction between business and IT
3. Contracting in SD-WAN
- Difference with classic WAN
- Mandatory with SD-WAN to manage your contract
- Key elements:
- Flexibility (upscaling, downscaling, fast deployment, …)
- Change in technology, services, CPE, …
- Possibility to have separate contracts underlay/overlay = more complexity
- Contract Lifecycle Management is key!
4. SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)
- All-in one platform vs service chaining
- Complex migration from existing situation towards SASE
- Cost
- Configuration migration
- …
- Network and security need to come together
- Trusted versus untrusted traffic
- Crucial factor is IT and OT segmentation/integration
5. Contract lifecycle management
- Procurement and legal need to be involved from day 1
- Challenge is experience procurement in this very specific topic
- Companies aim to have a contract manager but for lots still to realise
- Conclusion: consensus on the importance of Contract Lifecycle Management

SD-WAN is no longer questioned as the current and future solution for networking, but it adds more complexity on the road towards the solution. Security needs to go “hand-in-hand” with the network.
To make a success of your project, you need to think well about the right requirements, both technical and contractual, and the right partner.
If knowledge and resources are not in house; seek help externally.
Questions on how our expertise can assist your company?
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BE 0465.967.313
+32 (0) 14 70 10 70
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