Our services
CLMaaS – Contract Life Cycle Management as a Service
Nowadays all companies are somehow engaged in a Business Transformation, driven mainly by digitalization. ICT is a key enabler throughout this journey. ICT departments will have the biggest impact, during that digital transformation by focusing on the right portfolio of applications. For this, infrastructure technology is crucial, infrastructure technology is the foundation supporting the performance of business processes and applications.
Our cross functional expert team and TRACE platform is taking care of all activities needed to keep control over the entire chain from operational towards tactical and strategical management of your complex technology contracts.

Why Contract Lifecycle Management?
A contract for WAN, LAN, UCC, Security, telecommunications, … is covering a lot of services, ever changing technologies and is resulting in a high yearly cost.
A modern contract is no longer static, but above all dynamic. It contains specific rules and conditions that need to be managed to get the best out of your contract AND to keep your contract in a “shape” that your company is benefiting from the most optimal conditions and the best technology for your environment.
Why should I spend time/money on this? Why not?
When you need to manage a large environment, you will have to check and control a huge amount of source data. Source data, that is responsible not only for your invoices, but also data that will give you the input to manage your revenu commitments, up and downscaling thresholds, make strategic decisions, claim credit notes where applicable, …
Afterall, you need to know as much as your supplier in order to keep them sharp, challenge them and not take all their reports and invoices for granted.
Both parties are responsible for their own CONTRACT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT (CLM).
Making the choice of not managing the contract = offering your supplier a blanc cheque and grant them full control, which might lead to discussions and bad relationship, while today you need a PARTNERSHIP.
Why should I use a tool in combination with expertise to help you covering the CLM?
As we are talking about managing a lot of data in a complex environment, keeping control of facts and figures, managing a migration from supplier A to B try to avoid you paying penalties, following the status of large implementations, following the budget flows … you should have reporting at hand showing all data about the health of your environment. But as always, you need time and expertise to put the right interpretation on the table in order to create value and avoiding bad decisions.

How can Tam Tam Consulting help you?
Our experts manage all kinds of technology contracts day in, day out. Their expertise provides you peace of mind and control.
Your task: focusing on your business and make sure the Tam Tam Expert is translating your business concerns into your dynamic contract lifecycle.
Typical dashboards in the CLM environment:
- Contract scorecard
- View on all costs and drill down
- View on evolution migration: current supplier versus new supplier (# sites & €)
- Details services activated per site ID
- Budget reporting – trendlines
- Thresholds for up- and downscaling
- …
NOTE: if your contract is containing a business review and /or revenu commitment, all reporting to verify the suppliers performance will be created in dynamic dashboards, tailor made on each customer specific contract environment
Questions on how our expertise can assist your company?
Feel free to contact us for more information.
Atealaan 34A, 2200 Herentals, Belgium
BE 0465.967.313
+32 (0) 14 70 10 70
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