Key success factor of ICT Technology Infrastructure is respecting the lifecycle
Think-, build– and run-phases at the center
The key success factor of Technology Infrastructure is respecting the lifecycle and therefor placing think-, build– and run-phases at the center.
Every good realization starts with a Think phase to create an excellent plan focusing on Strategy and Roadmap building.
For Strategy, it is key to have a good understanding of the current situation, the input of all (business) stakeholders and the future plans of the company. Depending on the scope of the exercise, you can work with interviews, workshops and educational sessions upfront.
As result, you and your business stakeholders will have a clear plan, within the boundaries of the scope, on the why, what and how for your company’s future infrastructure technology.
When you have a concrete understanding and buy in of your management for the defined strategy, it’s time to set a plan/roadmap, containing short- and long-term projects, business cases, a view on the required resources, impact and risks.
On your Roadmap, probably sourcing projects are popping up, that’s where the Build phase starts, running a sourcing project from A to Z.

The result of the build phase will be a future proof contract with flexibility, making innovation possible, keeping your conditions sharp, clear governance, … The contract needs to allow change, management and control.
Now your contract is there, the Run phase will take place. It probably sounds familiar that this is the phase where often business cases explode and the fragile relationship with your new vendor crashes. All parties need to be guided through the entire process from contract signature towards smooth running solution. Your business case, timelines, mutual promises, issue list, risks, adjustments, … must be followed and steered in a professional manner.
Implementing your roadmap and thereto related contracts, is not the endpoint of the process, the lifecycle is a never-ending process. In this changing world, you need to manage your contracts, suppliers and services in a clear and effective way.
Tam Tam Consulting can help you with a successful technology infrastructure by securing end to end solutions for the entire infrastructure lifecycle. We are an independent advisory group of technology and sourcing experts, focusing on the infrastructure technology. In our services portfolio, we focus on the logical steps of this lifecycle. Many of our customers value the combination of technical experts, sourcing experts and guidance of your in house/external legal team. We tailor our solution for you in line with your in-house knowledge, available resources and timelines. One of our strongest values is our ability to make your team successful. Our independent services are your guarantee on control from A to Z throughout the entire process.
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