SASE – Take a look behind the marketing term!
When talking about networking and/or network security, the word SASE is unavoidable nowadays. But what does it mean for you, as a company? Is this another buzz word or can you benefit from this new concept?
Let us first explain what SASE is about and what it is trying to achieve.
SASE stands for “Secure Access Service Edge” and is a concept that converges WAN (Wide Area Network) and network security services into a single, cloud-delivered service model.

The idea behind this model is all about simplification. WAN and security are in most organizations managed by different teams, and these teams are often working in silo’s, rather than collaborating in the real sense. This leads to contracts with multiple vendors. Configuration and change management are becoming complex (e.g., policy configurations need to be done in different places, i.e., a SD-WAN portal and next generation firewall). Packets passing on the network different hops (SD-WAN edge device, a next-generation firewall and a WAN optimization device), might impacting the performance.
Furthermore, these devices are doing common things besides the particular ones they are made for: getting and parsing the packets, performing deep packet inspection to recognize the applications, and applying QoS rules. This leads to extra loads on the network that might be avoided by using the all-in-one approach.
Looks promising – is it?
Well, the answer isn’t black or white. In a greenfield situation, where you can start with a white page, the choice to go for an integrated network- and network security solution, combined with a zero-trust approach towards the cloud makes a lot of sense. Although, in an existing situation, the journey to the desired end-state might be more complex and often needs a step-by-step approach to get there. You must take a deeper look into the as-is situation, the issues you’re facing today and how these issues can be best tackled in the future situation. Things like the current installed base, contract conditions, cloud-, general IT and company strategy, application landscape play all a crucial role in the decision process and form the foundation for building up the business case and a realistic roadmap towards the desired end-state.
How can Tam Tam Consulting help you?
Our experts manage all kinds of technology projects daily, starting from business requirements, the use of market intelligence in a pragmatic and no-nonsense style, roadmap and business case building… including implementation guidance.
A combination of technology expertise in networking and network security domains, proven methodology and focus ensures you of the best solution and value for money.
Questions on how our expertise can assist your company?
Feel free to contact us for more information.
Atealaan 34A, 2200 Herentals, Belgium
BE 0465.967.313
+32 (0) 14 70 10 70
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